AvialMax software is suitable to use in any kind of business form small business to larger company and any type of buiness hat involve selling og goods like small shops street vendors, restaurant, minimarket, super market, whole seller and even larger company with multiple branches
Using AvialMax software will help you to control your branches to know how much have you get from each branch to add staff of each branch to get expenditure from each branch this will help in analysis of your business
Using AvialMax software will help to manage your Staffs to know how many staff do you have and their role also how much salary have you planed to pay each staff(payroll)
Using AvialMax software will help to manage your store to know how much stock do you have and how many product have been solid and how many have been finished
using AvialMax software wll help you to get report of your business like daily report monthly report yearly report and rang report to know how much have you solid and how much have you earn in that particular period and what profit have you made
Using Avialmax software will help you to perform various account issues like preparing profit and loss report ,adding expenses, adding external income as well as addin loans, charts of account and bank account this will make you easily operate your business and making maximum profit
Using AvialMax software can be connected to bar code or qrcode scanner to input data in the system
Using AvialMax software will help you deal with Multiple currencies as it has api that help you the get live and realtime currency exchange rate and also system can be configured to work on any currency in the world
AvialMax software surport all international language this will any one that is not well in english to use it whith his or her owm language smoothly
AvialMax software suport all time zone in the world when your using you get time based on your time zone and not any time zone else
Using AvialMax software will help you to print invoice for your customer as well as printing receipt for your cstomer
Using AvialMax software will help you to print Proforma invoice for your customer as well as printing receipt for your cstomer
AvialMax software has inbuilt in calculator to simplify your work this can be used to perform various business calculation hence eliminet the need of calculator at all this calculator can be used with keyboard
AvialMax software supot dark theme and light theme so it is choice to choose which theme is best for you
AvialMax software has inbuilt security to make sure your date are kept safe and remained securedand available whenever need
Using AvialMax software Avialmax can be connected to your EFD account and hence helps you to use your computer or smart phone to do all staffs without need of EFD machine
Using AvialMax software Avial max can be configured to accept online payment using various payment get way
Using AvialMax software you can chart with your staff or core staf to core staff ata real time without any problrm
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